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This are  the new and old dog leaders in Nepal who are awaiting their “four legged colleagues”


Missing Prem Magar's son and thus also late Uncle Mohan´s 22 years old nephew Daggy has stepped in for his uncle as the new Squad Cook.He eagerly want to continue the work of his lost father. Daggy will be the first Dog Leader of the Junior Squad, and the first dog we bring to Nepal will be handed over to him. Both will receive their training together, eat together, swim together, search together and sleep together during stormy nights in their tent during rescue operations.


Daggy mit haus aus Dschungelgras

Daggy, the new cook and future rescue dog handler . Modeling traditional Nepalese Farm Houses from natural materials is his hobby. This two story farm house is made entirely from straw and jungle grass! 


Besides Daggy there are more youngsters awaiting puppies or dogs for training!
All are  Ex-Students of HRDSN’s School for Rescue Workers Children, which is called A School of their ownRiverside Augsburg Haus Academy, after the generous sponsor  AUGSBURG INTERNATIONAL e.V. in Germany , who paid for the schools building construction in 2003.

SEE HERE THE MOVIE CLIP AT YouTUBE.COM! Hold your handkerchives by your hand! Some scenes may be disturbing!

You also can order the full movie version  about our Riverside School with, produced by HRDSN’s supporter and friend Debra Kaufman.

Quite a number of students are focusing on employment with HRDSN after they finish their College or University study!


Arun Magar als Schüler    Arun Magar heute


For example Arun Magar, left, above picture, as school boy ( with little Daggy watching from behind) during HRDSN’s starting years, right side picture: Arun today!

Arun has finished his  Bachelor degree in economics at Pokhara  University this year and is aiming for Master of Engineering-Study in Denmark in 2009 with the help of his long term Danish God Parents. After that he will return to HRDSN for a management assignment in HRDSN Disaster Unit.

To keep fit for the job, the juniors of HRDSN practice the martial arts of Kung Fu,Wu-Shu and Tai Chi.

Kung Fu Training


Krishna Tamang12 Jahre altMartial Arts are very popular all over Nepal at schools and colleges.
Nepalese Masters have many times over captured the First Place in the South Asian Games in all categories. HRDSN’s Junior Trainer in Martial Arts is Krishna Tamang, a black belt in Wu-Shu and Kung Fu. The photographs show him at first as a twelve years old school boy from Riverside School and today at age 28. Krishna awaits a dog too. He is nominated by the Board of Trustees of HRDSN for Squad Leader of the Juniors.

Krishna Tamang age 12...




 Krishna Tamang_heute

...and today age 28       


Kalpana Gurung. Kalpana Gurung , a former student of HRDSN school, who has finished her Nurse training two years ago, awaiting assignment to the junior squad







Kul Prasad TamangKul Prasad Tamang, still studies in Pokhara College. He is the eldest son of HRDSN Riverside Hospital senior staff healthworker Sukh Bahadur Tamang.( who has three more sons and one daughter in line at our school!) Kul Prasad, without doubt is another potential member of HRDSN’s future staff.






Not all of our students want to become Rescue Workers. HRDSN needs also new health workers, administrators, heavy vehicle operators, mechanics, caretakers, electricians, welders, area managers etc. The Board of HRDSN under Chairmanship of Govinda Ale (Director of HRDSN Educational Program) has decided long ago to reserve all new jobs only for ex-students from HRDSN School.


Om Kumar Sapkota as little boy amongst rescue dogs and friends studies now Medicine at Guangzhou University in South-China. He wishes to be Medical Director of the in near future planned  Flying Doctor Service of HRDSN !

Om Kumar Sapkota

Om Kumar Sapkota2

Om Kumar heute.

Om Kumar today


It would go too far to introduce more of these bright young people here. The human resource pool of HRDSN is quite large. TWENTY-SIX other College Students are still studying in Pokhara and Kathmandu for a few years ahead. We ceased new admissions three years ago. The HRDSN School program still has to care over 80 boys and girls between age 10 and 17, in classe's 3 to 10.   HRDSN educational program will end approximately in the year 2020. All people involved hope that the HRDSN DISASTER UNIT AND RESCUE DOG SERVICE has spread its umbrella all over Nepal by then!

Yet there are also the senior squad members who urgently are in need of new rescue dogs.

Prem Khavas   Assistant Squad Leader and Chief Mason of HRDSN Prem Kavas

Ram Bhandari  Quarter Master and Dog Caretaker  Ram Bhandari

Laxman Chauthari.  Equipment-Technician,Welder & Electrician Laxmon Chauthari

Arjun Gurung  

  Professional Hunter & Jungle Guide and Plummer in one, Arjun   Gurung,





Jith Magar  

Jeep Driving instructor,Logistic Officer, dog handler & Board Member : Jith Magar




Dagendra Magar.  


 Rescue Squad-Leader, dog health worker and Board Member Nagendra Magar




The only dog leader who still has his own  six years old rescue dog, (the surviving female German Shepherd “Susi of Baghmati Springs”)  is Chief Dog Caretaker Kagendra Magar.(No picture available here) There is also Susi’s sister Sarah from same litter, but Sahra is a dangerous biter and she is used as a guarding dog only.

Besides the mentioned staffers here, HRDSN has another 35 supporting staff member for logistics like porters, caretakers, farming and maintenance works. They do not need dogs…they need their salaries on time, and this runs reasonable well so far…could be better of course! HRDSN walks on a tightrope due to ever increasing costs for energy and essential supplies over the years. Due to HRDSN  commercial activities in the tourist service sector, the organization has survived so far. Also infra-structural donations are welcome here. But this is another story!


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